Happy BIG 4-0 to my sister Cheryl this week! Sorry I missed a chance to give you lots of trouble!
The highlight of my week..... finally climbing the mountains that are the beautiful backdrop of our village. Friday morning was a little cooler and beautiful blue skies with big white clouds... a picture perfect day! It was about a 45 minute walk to the base of the mountain as there are two large plateaus once you leave the village. The hillside is covered with rocks and hay and the climb took about 30 minutes (keep in mind, in sandals and a skirt!). I was really glad to see there were very few thorn bushes to have to avoid. The view from the top was spectacular!!!!! I wish I could post pictures, but you'll just have to try and imagine. I couldn't help but to sing, "For the beauty of the earth, for the glory of the skies, Lord of all to thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise". The breeze on top was a cool and refreshing break for the hotter temperatures in the village. I could make out where our house was in the village along with other buildings. I could see for probably 50 miles towards our city. On the other side of the mountain, more mountains and valleys - is was gorgeous.
Spending time in prayer and thought with our Father up there was some of the best time with Him. I prayed over my people and my village and asked for the Spirit to rain down upon them and bring forth seekers. I didn't want to come down but we had to get back as lunch was approaching. I felt a sense of peace, joy, comfort and guidance as I came down. At the base, I stopped under one of the 3 shade trees to take in one more view of the mountain. There was a pile of rocks at my feet. Suddenly I had the remembrance of the first morning ever driving to the village to spend the night and felt comforted with a vision I had of 3 crosses on top the mountains overlooking our people. I took the rocks and piled them in the shape of a cross. And found 3 red colored stones for the hands and feet. Hopefully that cross will remain in this out of the way place and that it will always be a symbol of our Father's presence there over my people. I prayed too that perhaps a shepherd passing by may see it and wonder about its meaning.
Back in the city, we made American spaghetti and took it to Joshua's house on Saturday night to eat with his family and some of his friends. We got to play with his 1 year old son for a bit before he fell asleep and he is a walking 'terror' now since we saw him last time! We watched US vs. England World Cup soccer match on TV. The World Cup here is huge, as is football in general and it's being played in South Africa this year to top it off. Earlier in the day at Joshua's shop I had said something about, it's after lunch, you must be tired and ready for nap (that is normal here, rest time is after lunch about 2 or 2:30 till about 4pm). His reply "no, that program is over until after the World Cup finishes". I just thought it was funny he called rest time a program that needed to be put on hold while football was more important right now.
I also got to talk with him more about faith; he is not a seeker and so I ask that you all and myself just lift him up in prayer that the power of the Holy Spirit will convict him one day and open his heart. We talked about the usual issues between I and C. I had asked him if he has difficulty with the fact that his book of faith was written by only one man with one man's opinions and thoughts vs. the Word written by many and through the Father. He said 'I' is the second largest faith behind C. His point, how can that many people be following something not true. We discussed M and Esa and I made all the points about the differences between the two. He said that Esa was the Savor for the Jewish people and M is the Savor for the Arab people. I of course tried to share with him, that was not the case. There is too much we talked about to write here so what it ultimately comes down to he said, "a person believes generally what your family believes and what you are taught" and so there is no changing that. It really was a great conversation and I enjoyed talking with him and I know we'll have more to say this weekend before I leave.
On interesting note, I asked him if he will take another wife. He stumbled a bit, not because he didn't want to answer but because he doesn't know for sure if he will or not, but, he told me the official answer is Yes. He told me, when you sign the papers for your marriage at the government office, there is a box that has to be checked by the official. So you have to declare in front of your family, friends and the wife you are marrying if you intend to take another wife. He said many people in the cities especially now are only taking one wife. His father only has one wife. It's only in the villages now really that you might find 2-3 usually. I asked him if I faith says it's better to have more than one and he told me no, actually you will have more trouble on the day of judgment if you do. I asked him to explain that (sounds like to me a good reason not to marry more than one) and he said, the book of faith says very clearly you must love, provide for and in every way treat all your wives equally and so that on judgment day those people will have much more to answer for in regards to that.
I have had many conversations with the man in our compound with 3 wives about the economy and jobs and how hard it is for him to provided for his 10 children and 3 wives. I told Joshua, it is hard for me to understand why people would chose to marry more knowing how difficult it is to provide. I asked him what reasons men have usually for marrying more than one. I was surprised at 2 of the answers.... their book of faith tells them not to lust after women or fornicate but if you can't help yourself and your first wife is not satisfying you enough to stop looking at others then marry another! (An interesting response to sin I thought). The other one that surprised me was that, if your communication and relationship with the first wife is difficult the thought is to marry a second and it will be better and she can help change the first wife.
We had 'beauty day' in the village with our sisters and family in our compound. We brought fingernail polish with us and did their nails (which is funny because they only want to paint the ones on the left hand because you eat with the right hand!). My little sister, Ruth painted mine and she did a great job actually. Our friend LaLa and Ruth braided my hair again. They enjoy doing it and I don't mind (no mom, I'm don't scream they are hurting me either!) I had about 8-9 rows of thin braids across my head. I then took out Ruth's braids which is time consuming as well to undue each of the small rows. It was a fun way to spend the afternoon together.
I haven't talk about LaLa, she is a recent addition to our compound probably just in the last month and half or so. And as most things here, it takes a while to sort things out. She is 17 and has been married for 2 years. She doesn't have any children yet and her husband is in Congo working. She is the daughter of the woman who's hut is next to ours. We always assumed our hut was this woman's in some way because she would mud/poop the walls and sweep the porch while we were gone sometimes. As it turns out it was LaLa's hut! I thanked her greatly and she told me it was no problem because when the mayor came looking for a hut for us to live in she figured it's just her right now there anyway since her husband is gone and she didn't need it.
We celebrated Sarah's 22nd birthday in the village on Thursday. Lydia, our mom, wanted to have a "grand fete" and so she told us she was going to go buy some meat. Abby, told her oh, I will give you money for chicken because that's what Sarah really loves. So she gave her 2000CFA for 2 chickens as a surprise. So, yes, I had by first whole chicken experience. Luckily I was still at the garden when the killing and most of the de-feathering took place. But I sure didn't miss the inside clean out! Our chicken apparently had eaten some millet and a very large coach roach just recently and had small eggs that has not obviously finished their time. I tried to act calm the whole time they were directing me what to hold, pull, break and clean. The toughest - sliding my fingers down the intestines to clean them out!!!!!!!!!! And yes, all parts were cooked including the feet which were shoved in the neck and beak. Our Father protected us though, because all THOSE parts, our mom placed in a bowl for others.
Sarah had mentioned a long time back she'd love Chicken Parmingan and Alfredo pasta and salad for her birthday (a true Olive Garden style or as close as we could get). So while we did our shopping back in May in the capital I tried to get chicken breasts and couldn't. But the morning we were leaving, we wind up having to go to an office for phone help right next to Azar's Supermarche. So I ran in quick to look and sure enough, he had 5 breasts left in the back. I took them all. (All white, boneless, skinless chicken breast is very, very, very rare here!). And 2 weeks ago, we were told salad and tomatoes that we had been getting regularly in our market here were done. We hadn't seen any for two weeks. On a whim, on the way back in from the village Saturday morning we thought we'd check the market. After asking several of ladies, they told me there was one person. I found her and she still had a few bundles left, that actually were pretty good. So, I know it seems crazy to write a whole paragraph on food for someone's birthday, but for us we know that once again IT WAS ONLY OUR FATHER'S HAND OF DOING!
I was reading in my devotion and in a book this week (same thought came up in both at the same time and really had an impact) about the Power of Esa's name. The storied shared was once again not one that I particularly remembered. In Acts Chapter 19, paraphrasing the story.... handkerchiefs and aprons that were leaving Paul where healing the sick and other miracles. So the 7 sons of Sceva realized that Paul was healing in Esa name. So they decided to try the same. They went to a man filled with an evil spirit and told it to leave in Esa name. The evil spirit said he knew Esa and Paul but the 7 sons he did not know. The man with the spirit jumped on the sons wounding them and they ran from the house.
The point the book made was that it is not in the speaking of the words "in Esa name" as the sons tried to do that did miracles but it is through the POWER of the Holy Spirit and the BELIEF in Esa's name. And what is this powerful belief that the sons did not have? Not just to have the knowledge of Esa or believe in the words of Esa but to truly believe in the nature of Esa that all power has been given to Him from the Father!
So it got me to thinking, I pray (as many do) "it's in Esa's name we pray these things" or something to that effect but as I'm saying these words am I really thinking about what they mean and the Power that is in them to do what I might be saying. We have prayed for many people here for healing and for spiritual openness and always in Esa's name. We have not seen a miracle yet. But I know our Father still does them every day. Perhaps I need to think more about the true Power and possibility behind the words I'm speaking. Just a thought I had and that perhaps there are others that might want to think about it too.